1 pat  Dec 26, 2008 10:37:01am

And according to the article. Obama’s is on inacrive also. Could Hillary be so inept?

2 Pastorius  Dec 26, 2008 10:39:06am

I keep thinking there must be more to this story. If something actually went wrong with the law licence’s of both the Obama’s, wouldn’t SOMEONE in the press have reported on it?

3 Last Mohican  Dec 26, 2008 11:33:55am

I think there’s probably nothing to this story at all. I think that Atlas is totally misinterpreting Michelle Obama’s status with the ARDC. She voluntarily decided to stop being a member of the bar, who knows why. Maybe she just didn’t feel like paying the annual fee — that’s frequently a reason why doctors and lawyers let their medical licenses and bar memberships go on inactive status. Therefore, the ARDC is saying, they’re not keeping records on malpractice actions against her, because there’s no need to, because she’s not practicing law. She’s on “court ordered inactive status” because she indicated to a court that she wanted to become inactive, and therefore the court so ordered.

Also, if “Atlas has the story,” and there’s nothing being added in the post at Infidel Bloggers’ Alliance, then why not link straight to Atlas?

4 pat  Dec 26, 2008 12:30:25pm

B. Obama’s Status. As one can see, he appeared to be under no cloud when he became inactive. But it is curious and the question should be asked.
Michelles record:
Again, nothing suspicious here.
So there could be nothing to this story other than a job that did not require a license.

5 Pastorius  Dec 26, 2008 12:36:18pm

Well, there you go, then. There’s probably nothing to the story.

Not surprising.


6 Pastorius  Dec 26, 2008 12:36:56pm

Last Mohican,
I have my reasons. And, they’re probably not what you might think.

7 pat  Dec 26, 2008 12:38:17pm

After a review of the ARDC, I am going to guess that M Obama simply failed to pay her registration fees without notifying the Court first. Didn’t Hillary do the same thing in Arkansas? Likely nothing here.

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